Dauer: 2 Wochen – 2 Jahre
English thru Performing Arts
Onlinekurse zu den Acting Techniques, Script Analysis, Defining the Screenplay, Accent Reduction
Auszug aus dem Stundenplan Schauspiel und dem Stundenplan Drehbuch LAPAC Herbst Quartal 2024:
Play Production: This class takes the actor through the experience of producing and performing a play from beginning to end by staging the works of well-established playwrights. The actor will enjoy a challenging rehearsal process that will include voice and movement; as well as, portraying characters that are multi-dimensional and intricate.
Chekhov Technique: Students learn how to create a character using their body as a physical and emotional tool. Selections from plays, poetry and prose are utilized to train the actor to approach the text from a “physical and emotional” point of view. The course investigates the actors’ movement and relationship to space, to each other, and to situations. Exercises including Psychological Gesture, Sensory and Improvisational movement, and relaxation help bring awareness to their body, emotions, and mind. Students then apply these techniques to monologues, scenes, or poems.
History of Theatre / Intro to Shakespeare: This course provides students with an examination in the historical background of drama from the development of theatre in ancient Greece and traveling through several of the major periods as a context for understanding the climate in which dramatic literature is developed; followed by a stimulating study into Shakespearean drama. This section explores Shakespeare’s treatment of marriage, family and gender.
English Thru Performing Arts / Accent Reduction: This course improves speech patterns, identifying specific problems with vowels and consonants in everyday speech. General techniques for accent reduction are introduced. Students practice from a variety of texts, including poetry, newspaper clippings, film scripts, plays, and novels.
Booking Commercials: This class is a step-by-step learning experience for the student that demystifies the Commercial Audition process. The actor is introduced to most types of commercials and the specific techniques for each one. Some of the styles covered: Character One Liners, Food and Beverage One Liners, MOS Spots (no dialogue), Improvisations, Slice of Life, Group Spots, Character and Corporate Spokespersons.
Screen Combat: Learn how to consciously use the body as a means of communication, character creation, and screen presence. Explore the essentials of an actor’s physical preparation, body mechanics for the camera, and the art of being skilled in basic stunt reactions and body language. The course is focused on fighting performances for starring roles as an Action Hero or Villain. Choreographed sequences are filmed providing actors additional footage for their reels.
Character Expression: A technique into creating, developing and understanding different Personality Types to produce memorable characters and diverse performances. Designed to provide actors a firm mastery in the basic psychological make up of human beings, focusing on behavior, dialogue, professions and thinking styles; as well as, a journey into the dark side of human soul suffering, the origins of pain and its consequences.
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