London ist eine der europäischen Städte, in der nachhaltige Entwicklung besonders in der Stadtentwicklung, grüner Architektur und ganz allgemein im täglichen Zusammenleben mehr und mehr in den Vordergrund rückt.
Wir empfehlen daher Sustainability Study Tour London für Studiengruppen aber auch Abiturklassen, die durch das Kennenlernen besonders nachhaltiger Projekte in Sustainable Urban Development, Green Architecture, Educating Sustainable Communities, CSR oder auch Sustainable Tourism, eigene Ideen und Konzepte voranbringen können – als Inspiration, Ansporn und vielleicht auch als Teil eines immer grösser werdenden internationalen Think Tanks. Gleichzeitig können Englischkenntnisse angewandt und verbessert werden.
Unsere Studienreise London werden ganzjährlich für Interessierte jeden Alters angeboten, auch als Gruppenreise für Schüler und Studenten Weitere Informationen dazu auf unserer
Edu-Seasons Study Tour London Webseite HIER .
NEU in der Auswahl sind folgende Thementouren mit einer kurzen inhaltlichen Beschreibung:
King’s Cross Regeneration and Innovation Tour – Sustainable Urban Development
Sustainable Architecture Tour – Green Building
Cutting Edge Green Tour -London’s greenest products, innovative eco restaurants, sustainable architecture and best regenerated communities
King’s Cross Regeneration and Innovation Tour
King’s Cross is currently the largest building site in Europe. What was largely a derelict wasteland is fast becoming a hub of international business, culture and education. What was a slum will soon rival the South Bank. And what’s more, this transformation is pioneering in terms of heritage and sustainability. There is so much to learn from this development, and it’s little wonder that some of the world’s biggest and most innovative businesses are rapidly buying up office space. This tour gives you a first-hand look at what’s happening, and provides eye-opening insight into one of the world’s most significant regeneration projects.
Such is the scale, imagination and significance of the regeneration project, we think it may well become the template for urban development the world over. So this tour will undoubtedly be fascinating for any inquisitive mind.
Highlights Include:
● The stunning new campus of London’s biggest Arts University
● Completely new public spaces, including one the size of Trafalgar Square
● Incredible new eco-initiatives from green walls and skip gardens to innovative sustainable architecture – all of which have helped the development attain a sustainability rating of BREEAM excellent
● London’s newest and most exciting art and office space – the new home of The Guardian
● London’s most talked-about street food collective
● In-depth context and theory to show how this project will become a template for urban development worldwide
Sustainable Architecture Tour
Can eco-architecture be pleasing to the eye? Can skyscrapers be truly sustainable? Find out for yourself on this fascinating tour of London’s greenest, most innovative architecture. From London’s most futuristic buildings to structures that aren’t even complete yet, we’ll cover 15 different approaches to eco architecture, opening your eyes and giving you new ideas about putting sustainability into practice.
The tour also covers London’s visionary plans for public transportation, better urban infill and smart growth, and green social design – showing you that it’s not just buildings that make London one of fastest-developing green cities. You will learn what makes buildings sustainable, covering a range of different approaches to sustainability including new technologies, green roofs, alternative materials and sustainable policies, but also why they’re trying to be sustainable and what the future of sustainability might look like.
The tour can be tailored to every knowledge level. So whether you’re starting out in sustainability, or a you’re an established green architect, we’ll make sure you have an enjoyable and informative time.
London Sustainable Architecture Tour highlights include:
● The world’s first building with integrated wind turbines
● Trying suction toilets that use 80% less water
● A building held up using nothing but plastic
● Some of the most effective ways to make a building sustainable – without spending any money
● The green rooftop park that’s one of London’s best kept secrets
● Finding out what BREEAM actually stands for!
Cutting Edge Green Tour
Take in London’s greenest products, innovative eco restaurants, sustainable architecture and best regenerated communities – in just three hours. Insider London’s Cutting-Edge Green Tour has been totally revamped for 2013, taking in everything from the smallest eco-product to the largest, healthiest communities.
Hear about the relevant policies and community initiatives and discuss the wide variety of communication approaches that different initiatives take. Learn sustainability principles in an enjoyable and engaging way and take in new approaches on sustainability that move the agenda forward in new and interesting ways.
The Green Tour covers over 20 stops – highlights include:
● Visiting the site that kick-started London’s network of sustainable businesses
● Seeing the world’s first building with integrated wind turbines
● Learning about the green features of icons such as the London Eye and the Gherkin
● Seeing the first electric car charging point in London, and learning about the capital’s ambitious sustainable transport plans
● Discovering a range of ground breaking eco-hotels, including the Savoy‘s impressive eco-refit
● Exploring the largest, healthiest community in London